Saturday, May 19, 2012

Quantum Mechanics 3 : A Historical Review

Some of the physicists who made early contributions to quantum mechanics (left to right, top row first): Neils Bohr, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger.

By the end of the nineteenth century, physics was mainly consisted of classical (or Newtonian mechanics), classical (or Maxwellian) theory of electrodynamics and Thermodynamics. Together, these three branches of physics were able to explain almost all of the phenomena observed in nature. For instance, the optical phenomena like reflection, refraction, snell’s law, etc. were very well accounted for by classical electrodynamics. Behaviour of gases in various conditions were explained by thermodynamics. Problems involving motion of celestial bodies could be tackled effectively and very accurately by classical mechanics. More general topics such as Elastic properties, certain electrical and thermodynamic properties of materials could be explained satisfactorily by combining results of mechanics, electrodynamics and thermodynamics. The overall structure of physics seemed complete and impeccable and capable of explaining all the known physical phenomena accept a few pending issues which, as was thought, could be accounted for in due course of time. But as always happens, nature had a whole bag of surprises of the physicists.

Some of the experiments conducted in the late nineteenth century showed considerable disagreement between the experimentally observed facts and theorectical predictions. Most prominent of them are Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric effect, specific heat capacity of metals, Precession of Mercury’s orbit, stellar abberation, atomic stability and atomic spectra and the famous Michelson’s interferometer experiment which put the Maxwell’s ambiguous ether in big trouble. No amount of efforts could patch up these gaps between the experimental and theoretical results. People, then, started realising that the then existing framework of classical physics was not sufficient and still incomplete to account for these problems and new laws have to be discovered. The final blow to the already trembling classical physics was given by Max Planck and Albert Einstein at the advent of 20th century which marked the end of nearly 300 years of unchallenged classical era for good.
In the year 1900, Max Planck came up with a solution for one of the most perplexing problems of that time - Black Body Radiation. The problem was as follows : at a particular temperature, a black body emits radiation of all frquencies but with different energy densities. The relation between the frequency of emitted radiation and corresponding energy density could not be explained by the then existing principles of thermodynamics and classical electrodynamics. So, Planck did something similar to what students usually do in lab - if you do not get the required results, manipulate your calculations to fit the experimental results or vice versa. Out of the blue he made an ad hoc assumption - the radiation could be absorbed or emitted only in the form of discrete packets or quantas, each quanta having energy equal to hν where ν is the frequency of radiation and h is a universal constant known as Planck’s constant. He fixed the value of h such that the theoretical resultsare in accord with experimental observation. The plot he obtained this way coincided with the experimentally determined plot.

This put a big question mark on the credibility of classical electrodynamics which asserts that radiation has characteristics of waves. But the problem was that Planck, at that time, did not have any logical explanation for making such an assumption and it was impossible to discard well established classical electrodynamics on such grounds.

Then came Einstein to make the situation worse for classical physics. In 1905, he published three ground-breaking papers which shook the very foundations of classical theories. One of the papers was on Photoelectric effect where he showed that radiation is not only absorbed/emitted in the form of quantas of definite energy but also propagates in the form quantas, known as Photons of energy hν. This settled the dispute once and for all as it was proved that radiation consisted of corpuscular photons which completely contradicts the wave picture of radiation - the premise on which the whole classical electrodynamics is based.

His other paper on Special Theory of Relativity was a nightmare for classical mechnics and electrodynamics. One of the most fundamental assumptions on which the whole classical physics is based is that time is absolute. This means that when you measure time using clocks that seperated in space and/or have a relative motion with respect to each other, the clocks would read the same time i.e. time is the same everywhere in the universe and is thus absolute. Einstein proved exactly opposite of this that time is not absolute but relative. What time you measure depends on where are you measuring it from. Time differs from place to place and relative motion. This made the entire classical
physics crumble down.

Now that it was apparent that the existing framework of classical physics was obsolete and insufficient to explain many physical phenomena, people started looking for other alternative and abstract solutions to such problems. Rutherford, by his famous scattering experiment using alpha particles and a thin gold leaf, showed that atoms consist of a small but heavy positively charged centre called nucleus and rest of the space being occupied by negatively charged electrons but majority of it being empty. Classical electrodynamics failed miserably in explaining the stability of such electron -nucleus model of atom. It required the electrons to dissipate the energy gradually while moving about the nucleus and eventually collapse into the nucleus. This kind of behaviour would make an atom unstable contrary to what is actually observed in nature.

Another hurdle for classical physics was the characteristic line spectra exhibited by the atoms of different elements. There was no plausible explanation, in the realms of classical physics, as to why should atoms exhibit such a line spectra and not a continuous one. This problem baffled everyone until 1913 when Neils Bohr came in with his model of hydrogen atom.

He adopted similar method to what Planck did - manipulate! - to explain the Hydrogen spectrum. He coined one very important postulate – quantisation of Angular Momentum - which states that the angular momentum of an electron orbiting the nucleus is quantised such that it is integral multiple of
Such electrons were supposed to be in stationary states with definite energy values. These electrons are in stable configuration and do not dissipate energy and hence do not collapse into the nucleus. When an electron makes a transition from one state to another, it absorbs/emits energy equal to the difference of electron’s energies in both the states involved in the transition.

The results of the Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom were in complete agreement with the experimental observations. This was a tremendous success with only one problem - the ad hoc assumption of the quantisation rule.

In 1923, Compton made a yet another very important discovery. He scattered X-rays with electrons and confirmed that X-ray photons behave like particles with momenta 
where ν is the frequency of the X-rays used.

The efforts of Planck, Einstein, Bohr and Compton confirmed that at microscopic scale electromagnetic radiation exhibited corpuscular nature. At this scale, the classical physics fails quantitatively, qualitatively as well as conceptually.

So far, it had been found that radiation exhibited particle-like properties in the sense that they consist of photons which are quantised. There was yet another startling discovery to be made.

In 1923, de Broglie introduced the concept of matter waves. He postulated that associated with a particle of momentum p there are waves of wavelength
These waves are known as matter waves4. Thus he asserted that not only does radiation exhibit particle-like nature but particles also display wave-like properties. This concept was confirmed in 1927 by Davison and Germer. They showed that an interference pattern could be produced by impinging electrons of definite momentum on a crystal, in a similar way as X-ray diffraction pattern of a crystal is obtained.

Though the models suggested by Planck (1900) and Bohr (1913) produced results in agreement with the spectroscopic experiments, they were, however, based on arbitrarily made assumptions and postulates. There was a need of a consistent theory which would account for these abstract assumptions as well as capable of predicting yet unexplored physical phenomena. This was done independently by Heisenberg and Schrodinger in 1925. They could successfully merge all the experimental findings of twenty five years (1900 - 1925) into a refined theory known as Quantum Mechanics. At that time there were two formulations of quantum mechanics : one known as matrix mechanics due to Heisenberg and the other known as wave mechanics due to Schrodinger.

Matrix mechanics was developed by Heisenberg in 1925 to describe the atomic structure starting from the characterisctic atomic line spectra. Heisenberg based his theory on the observation that only discrete values of energy exchange was allowed between microscopic systems, as was apparent from Planck’s quantization of radiation, Einstein’s photoelectric effect and Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom. He expressed dynamical quantities such as position, momentum, angular momentum and energy in the form of matrices and described the dynamics of microscopic systems by an eigenvalue equation.

Other formulation - wave mechanics, developed by Schrodinger in 1926 is a generalisation of the de Broglie hypothesis. In contrast to matrix mechanics, Schrodinger described the dynamics of microscopic systems by means of a wave equation known as Schrodinger equation (it is a differential equation). The solution to this equation yields the so called wave function and energy spectrum of the system under study. In 1927, Max Born came up with his probabilistic interpretation of wave mechanics where he interpreted the square moduli of wave functions as probability densities. Heisenberg actually actively opposed the Schrodinger’s wave mechanics.

These two seemingly different formulations were shown to be equivalent by P. A. M. Dirac. He single handedly constructed a more general formulation of quantum mechanics which deals with abstract objects such as state vectors (kets and bras) and operators. The representation of Dirac’s formalism in a continuous basis, known as position or momentum representation, gives the Schrodinger’s wave mechanics. Whereas, representing it a discrete basis yields Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics. Thus, Dirac’s formalism is a more general theory of quantum mechanics from which wave and matrix formulations can be obtained.

In 1928, Dirac achieved yet another impressive feat by successfully combining special relativity with quantum mechanics and gave birth to a more general, consistent and elegant theory known as relativistic quantum mechanics. He obtained a relativistic equation describing the motion of an electron and predicted the existence of an anti-particle - the positron, with charge opposite to that of an electron. This theory introduced more abstract concepts like Dirac sea which explained the pair production and annihilation process. The positron was discovered in an experiment four years later in 1932.

One of the many important achievements of quantum mechanics was that it unified physics with chemistry and biology. All the chemical processes like reactions, energy involved in reactions, bond formation, concepts like hybridisation, stability of bonds, etc. are readily explained by quantum mechanics. Thus chemistry and biology are well explained on the fundamental level and consists mostly of finding, explaining, manipulating and fabricating new chemical processes (usually pertaining to existing social and industrial problems).

The development of physics did not stop here. The efforts of people like Landau, Pomeranchuk, Murray Gellman, Feynman, Abdus Salam, etc. to contruct a unified theory which would be capable of explaining all the observed physical phenomena led to the development of the most consistent, beautiful and intricate (as well) theory known as Quantum Electrodynamics. It is the most accurate known theory till date and unifies three fundamental forces of nature : the electromagnetic force, the weak force and the strong force. Any phenomenon, not involving the force of gravity, can be explained with this theory. The ultimate goal of physics is to achieve a unified theory, containing all the four fundamental forces of nature including gravity, capable of explaining every observed physical process as well as predict other unexplored and unthought-of phenomena. But this is not an easy task. It has defied the attempts of the giants like Einstein, Feynman, etc. and has been the subject of fascination for all the theoretical physicists and the current topic of research. Achievement of this unification would complete our understanding of the nature.

For a more detailed account, interested readers can refer the following link 

Credit for the picture:

Next post : Fundamental Of Quantum Mechanics

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